
Roll Outs & Roll Ins

KEE Environmental are industry leaders in large scale roll outs of wheeled bins, boxes and caddies as well as the collection from individual properties of wheeled bins as an exchange programme. We offer our services direct to Local Authorities & Waste Management companies as well as to all of the manufacturers throughout Europe.

With almost 20 years experience in this field of work we offer a professional service from start to finish. Planning is the key to all successful projects so our experienced and knowledgeable staff are involved from the very early days right through to successful completion.

Consultancy services can also be offered should the client wish to carry out the project in house.

If you have a project coming up, no matter how small or large please get in contact with us today to arrange a fact finding meeting and no obligation quotation.



At KEE Environmental we have almost 20 years of plastic recycling experience and offer competitive rates for wheeled bins, kerbside boxes and related products. We can usually arrange a collection within 5 days of first contact using one of our fleet of rigid and tail lift vehicles. By using a mixture of vehicles we can handle anything from 200 bins to 100,000 plus.

We are Upper Tier Waste Carrier, Broker and Dealer licenced with the Environment Agency and fully insured giving our clients and suppliers peace of mind that our collections are fully covered. All staff are fully trained and competent and full PPE is worn at all times whilst on site.

We understand that staff are hard to come by at present, with this in mind we are able to offer a de-wheeling and stacking service to our clients if they do not have the staff to do this themselves.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any wheeled bins that you need to dispose of and we will give a tailored quote.

Loose bins are before KEE Environmental

Stacked bins are after KEE Environmental

Deliveries & Collections – Replacement Bins & Caddies

KEE Environmental  now offer a delivery and collection service for replacement bins, boxes, caddies and sacks to Local Authorities and Waste Management companies. If, like many other Local Authorities & Waste Management companies, you are unable to keep up with demand from residents for replacement or new products then please get in touch for a competitive day rate quotation.

We would usually utilise a 3.5t vehicle with or without tail lit for these collections and can provide 1 to 3 staff members per vehicle.

References can be provided on request.
